Monday, August 15, 2011

Aquarium update

Just before we left for Panama I decided to take an older aquarium and see what I could do to update it on a budget.  I had in mind doing a South American hardscape design for some tetras (H. bleheri, 9) and pencilfish (N. marginatus 14) with a pair of Apistogramma (A. panduro).  The pencils are at the top and hiding in most of the video, but overall the dynamic between the fish has been really fun to watch.  It's only been a few days that I've had the fish in, but they've been a welcome addition.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Plant clippings

Due to several months of unrestrained growth, I'll be doing some clipping of plants from my terraria.  I'll be making some small plant packages that will be available.  Contact me if you're interested in getting some clippings.